2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Call for session proposals for Sea Tech Week® 2022

      • Marine and maritime stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for sessions related to the central theme: 'maritime transport: towards smarter and greener solutions'
      • DSC 8381.jpg
      • Campus mondial de la mer is organising the 13th Sea Tech Week® which will run from 26 to 30 September 2022 in Brest, France. Sea Tech Week® is an international event focusing on marine science and technology. Every two years, it attracts more than 1,000 experts (including scientists, engineers, businesses and students).

        Sea Tech Week®:

        • Provides an opportunity to meet new faces from around the globe – and to develop partnerships and collaborations
        • Offers stakeholders a showcase where they can highlight their latest research and innovations
        • Brings together businesses whose products or services have maritime applications. It’s a great opportunity to acquire new contacts.


        The central theme will be “maritime transport: towards smarter and greener solutions”,

        the featured country will be India,

        and the focus will be on women in maritime science and technology.

        Marine and maritime stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for sessions related to the central theme

        This covers several topics:

        Smart and green ship Smart and green ship

        • Building, repair, recycling
        • Materials
        • Mechanics
        • On-board intelligence
        • Human-system interface
        • Predictive maintenance
        • Ship monitoring
        • Energy, hydrogen, propulsion
        • Supply chain decarbonation
        • Treatment of pollutants
        • Leisure boat
        • Transport by sail
        • etc.


        Port Port

        • Logistics
        • Connected/smart port
        • Infrastructure monitoring
        • etc.


        Maritime routes Maritime routes

        • Polar regions
        • New routes
        • Migrations
        • etc.


        Security and safety Security and safety

        • Cybersecurity
        • etc.


        Coastal Coastal

        • Coastal management
        • Land-sea continuum
        • Decision aiding tools
        • etc.


        Transport and environment Interactions between transport and environment

        • Health of the oceans
        • Ecosystem approach
        • Pollution (diffuse, non-native species, macro-waste, seabed abrasion…), tracking and degradation of pollutants
        • etc.


        Data acquisition Data acquisition

        • On ships of opportunity
        • Acoustics
        • Satellite
        • etc.


        Marine energy Marine energy

        • Marine renewable energy
        • etc.


        Autonomous vehicles Autonomous vehicles

        • Robotics
        • Communication
        • Energy transport
        • etc.


        What is a session at Sea Tech Week®?

        Each session lasts half a day (a morning or an afternoon, including coffee break). There are several possible formats, including oral presentation and panel discussion. Speakers may be invited by the session convenor(s) and/or selected following the Sea Tech Week® call for abstracts. Single sessions may be convened by a maximum of two organisations.

        A subject may require more than one session. A single convenor may submit multiple session proposals.

        Any session proposals dedicated solely to promoting a product or a service will not be accepted.

        Session proposals must be submitted on behalf of a legal entity (such as an academic institution, research centre, company, public body, cluster or association).

        How to submit a session proposal?

        You’ll need to complete the proposal form by 6 September 2021 4th October 2021 (extended deadline)

        [Go to the form]

        The informations required are:

        • Title of the session
        • Description of the session (800 characters)
        • Name of the convenor(s) and contact information
        • Topics
        • Format and outputs


        What is the selection process?

        The Sea Tech Week® Technical Committee will select the sessions in September 2021. The selection criteria will be:

        • The proposal’s link with the conference theme and topics
        • The innovative nature of the subject (R&D, latest scientific results, new collaboration, etc.)
        • The international dimension (NB sessions will be conducted in English)
        • Support for women in marine science and technology.


        The Technical Committee may also recommend how to arrange the sessions throughout the conference schedule, and possibly merge multiple sessions on the same, or a similar subject.

        Once their sessions have been accepted, convenors will be invited to:

        • Participate in the various meetings dedicated to building the final conference programme (with the ‘Sessions’ working group)
        • Promote their sessions, and Sea Tech Week® more broadly, among their networks
        • Review and select the abstracts for presentations in their session(s) (This only applies where the convenor has agreed to include presentations using this process. Please note that no calls for abstracts are allowed other than those managed by the Sea Tech Week® organisers).


        How much does a session cost?

        Convening a session during Sea Tech Week® is free of charge. However, except for the two free full passes provided, all participants (including convenors and speakers) must pay the registration fee. 

        We provide:

        • Room hire, signage within the conference centre, technical staff and basic equipment
        • Registration processing
        • General publicity
        • Two passes giving full access to Sea Tech Week®
        • The opportunity for convenor organisations to buy Sea Tech Week® passes at the discounted partner rate.


        Options for attending Sea Tech Week®

        Registration for Sea Tech Week® includes coffee breaks, lunches, a welcome pack, badge and programme booklet. Attendees can attend all the conference sessions, visit the professional exhibition and schedule B2B meetings.

        Registration fees:

        • Full pass (5-day pass including lunches and coffee breaks): €350 plus VAT
        • Full pass, early bird rate (5-day pass including lunches and coffee breaks): €250 plus VAT
        • Day pass (1-day pass including lunch and coffee breaks): €125 plus VAT
        • Partner pass[1] (5-day pass including lunches and coffee breaks): €150 plus VAT
        • Day ticket for PhD students and job seekers (1-day pass, including lunch and coffee breaks): €30 plus VAT
        • Students (except PhD students): free



        [1] Speakers, delegates from organisations convening conference sessions, members of the Technical Committee, Indian delegates and VSE/SME members of Technopôle Brest-Iroise are eligible for the partner rate.

Sea Tech Week

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