2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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Discover the list of workshops

      • The India-France Knowledge Summit (Nov. 21): a foretaste of Sea Tech Week®

      • From 24th to 26th of November 2021 were organised the 3rd Indo-French Summit on Higher Education, Research & Innovation.
        Among the key themes, marine sciences were the object of three scientific workshops.
      • FireShot Capture 026 - Knowledge Summit 3 - Opening Ceremony - YouTube - www.youtube.com.png
      • These workshops were dedicated to:

        • Science and technology;
        • Marine biology and biodiversity;
        • Socio-economic transformations of coastal areas


        In particular, the first one involved members of the Campus mondial de la mer community:

        • Yann-Hervé De Roeck, France Energies Marines, presented technological and methodological advances in development of offshore renewable energies;
        • Manell Zakharia, French Naval Academy, presented the GOAT project, a GOA ATlantic Cooperation Programme in Marine Science and Technology, in addition to introducing a workshop;
        • René Garello, IEEE-OES and IMT Atlantic, and Christophe Maes, LPO-IRD, focused on the observation and monitoring of plastics in the oceans;
        • Stephan Jorry, Ifremer, together with his colleague from the IIT Gandhinagar presented the TETHIS project dedicated to the tropical highstand reefs in Indian Seas.


        These organisations also participate in Sea Tech Week® 2022 and/or the "French congress of sedimentology" join event.
        We do hope welcome Indian and French experts in marine science and technology in Brest in September 2022. India is the featured country of honnour of the edition 2022 of Sea Tech Week®.

        Screenshot of the workshop on marine science and technology. Manell Zakharia mentions Sea Tech Week®.
      • Know more
        More information about the Summit

        More information about the Summit

        See the replays

        See the replays


Sea Tech Week

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