The European Commission has launched the “Women in the Blue Economy” call for proposals under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). With a EUR 2.5 million budget, the call will help increase the participation of women in the different sectors of the blue economy, such as fisheries, aquaculture, shipbuilding, maritime transport, offshore renewable energy, blue bioeconomy, as well as inland and offshore aquaculture. Up to 2 projects are expected to be funded, with an exceptional co-funding of 90%.
The objective is to overcome the existing constraints in all aspects of the maritime sector, in particular recruitment, training, capacity-building, technical cooperation and promotions, so that every person can fully and safely participate in the activities of the sustainable blue economy.
The actions funded under this call will help sustainable blue economy sectors to embrace a deep and structural change to facilitate the inclusion of women in the wider maritime economy, thus contributing to a more gender equal society as a whole.
Sea Tech Week® is also an opportunity to highlight women in marine science and technology:
Elodie Boileux and Carole Bourlon, Bretagne développement innovation
Anne Choquet, University of Brest
Agnese Diverres, Cedre
Sarah Duduyer and Emmanuelle Platzgummer, Ifremer
Sarah Fear and Chloe Rowland, University of Plymouth
Mélusine Gaillard, France Energies Marines
Anne-Caroline Hebrard, University of Exeter
Nathalie Leidinger and Bénédicte Ezvan, Shom
Victoria Naylor and Izzy Taylor, Engineering System Solutions Ltd
Coralie Pauchet, ifqm
Clémence Petiteau, France Cyber Maritime
Anaïs Turpault, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique