2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "Navigation and control of Underwater vehicles"

      • In the recent years, research on navigation and control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) has become challenging for scientific and economic reasons in view of their several applications e.g. deep-sea operations, off-shore installations inspection, mapping of sea floor, environmental data gathering and sampling, and defence.

        This special session is intended to invite research contributions made by peers actively involved in navigation and control of AUVs addressing issues such as communication constraints in acoustic medium, uncertainties and disturbances. In the last decade, the new area of research has emerged related to cooperative control between several marine vehicles and heterogeneous marine vehicles.
      • STW2022 image 71.png
      • Picture: the original ROV of the University of Split from the poster "Increasing the autonomy of an underwater ROV"



        Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Goa (India) and National Institute of Technology Silchar (India)



        Tuesday 27th september 2022



        Session chair Dr. Koena Mukherjee(31)

        (31) National Institute of Technology Silchar, India






        Guest Lecture “Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”

        Keynote Address by Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi(70)

        (70) Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India








        Heading Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using Unfalsification Approach

        Tabassum Rasul(31), and Koena Mukherjee(31)

        (31) Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, India



        Performance analysis of Doppler-shift estimation and time of flight algorithm for AUV positioning and navigation

        Raphaël Garin(32), Pierre-Jean Bouvet(32), Beatrice Tomasi(32), Philippe Forjonel(32), and Charles Vanwynsberghe(32)

        (32) L@bISEN ISEN Yncréa Ouest Brest, France


        10.15-10.45am - Break



        Underwater exploration by an autonomous robot with the method of stable cycles

        Luc Jaulin(13)

        (13) ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France



        AUV deep navigation challenges

        Hélène Tonchia(34), Sébastien Tauvry(34) and Hervé Ott (34) 

        (34)ECA Group, France



        Intelligent Robot Exploration by integrating onboard processing capabilities

        Rafael Garcia(35), Narcis Palomeras(35), Jan Opderbecke(16), Aurélien Arnaubec(16), Josep Quintana(16), and Natàlia Hurtós(37)

        (16) Ifremer, France

        (35) University of Girona, Spain

        (36) Coronis Computing SL, Spain

        (37) IQUA Robotics SL







        Talk by Prof. B.K.Misra(70), Director

        (70) IIT GOA, India

        R&D Activities on Marine Science & Technology at IIT GOA









        Talk by Prof. S. Bandyopadhyay(31), Director

        (31) NIT Silchar, India

        R&D Activities on Marine Science & Technology at NIT Silchar








        Lunch Break



        Tuesday 27th september 2022



        Session Chair: Prof. Bidyadhar Subudhi(70)

        (70) Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India






        Plenary Talk

        Keynote Address by Dr. Antonio Poscoal(154)

        (154) Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal

        Video Lecture







        Optimization of Underwater Acoustic Communication Parameters for a Swarm of AUVs

        Camila M. G. Gussen(12), Christophe Laot(12), and François-Xavier Socheleau(12)

        (12) IMT Atlantique, Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France



        Star tracking for low altitude positioning

        Loïc Barbot(38), Marc Ferrari(39), Johan Montel(40), Yannick Roehlly(41), Jean-Luc Gach(39)(42), William Thuillot(43), and Kjetil Dohlen(39)

        (38) École Nationale Supérieure Maritime, France

        (39) Aix-Marseille-Université-CNRS-CNES-LAM, France

        (40) Centre National d’Études Spatiales, France

        (41) CeSAM, France

        (42) First Light Imaging, France

        (43) IMCCE-Observatoire-de-Paris, France



        AUV navigation & sparse LBL: from the planning to the post processing of navigation data

        Ludovic Bazin(44)

        (44) iXblue, France



        End of the session and coffee



Sea Tech Week

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