2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "Sedimentary environments and human activities: Management of dredged sediments, extraction of aggregates, marine renewable energy and sustainable ports"

      • Maritime transport and, more broadly, human activities at sea and on land generate pollution and nuisances in the marine environment and on the coast that need to be controlled: discharges from activities in the catchment area, discharges from maritime and port activities (dredging, careening, maritime traffic, ...), accidental pollution, disturbance of habitats, etc. The objective of this session is to present different actions, such as those carried out by Cerema or Ifremer, in the framework of its missions to support the implementation of environmental public policies in port and coastal areas.
        Experts from the various sectors will be able to present: 1) the ecological transition of activities and actions to reduce pollution/impacts (e.g. port greening operations, environmental protection, ...); 2) the monitoring of sediment quality (port or other) or the monitoring of the effects and mitigation « ERC » measures (avoidance, reduction, compensation) of activities (extraction of aggregates, development of MRE); 3) beneficial uses of dredged sediments and the circular economy (valorisation of dredged sediments on land and at sea); and 4) European and international recommendations, changes in the regulatory framework, technical recommendations, prospects for development and inclusion of these activities in European directives, etc.
      • asf.jpg
      • photo: http://www.sedimentologie.fr/



        Ifremer (France)
        Joint session with the French Congress of Sedimentology



        Wednesday 28th September 2022



        Introduction by David Menier(158) and Laure Simplet(16)

        (16) Ifremer, France

        (158) UBS, France



        Presentation of the marine aggregates dredging activity by the UNPG

        Frédéric Suire(159)

        (159) Union Nationale des Producteurs de Granulats (UNPG), France



        Activities of DREAL Bretagne in marine aggregates and MRE

        Christophe Girard(160)

        (160) Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, l’Aménagement et le Logement de Bretagne (DREAL Bretagne) - Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires, France



        Assessment of the integrity of the seabed in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

        Olivier Brivois(161), Franck Desmazes(161), Cécile Capderrey(161), and Sylvain Elineau(161)

        (161) Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) - Ministère de l'écologie de l'Energie, du Développement durable et de l'Aménagement du territoire, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, France



        Activities - Pressures - Impacts: the case of turbidity modification in the MSFD

        Marie Cachera(162) and Valérie Cariou(162)

        (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France



        Public environmental policies. What actions have been taken in the ports?

        Julie Droit(102) and Pierre-Yves Belan(102)

        (102) Centre d’Etudes et d’Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l’Aménagement (CEREMA), France



        Sediment as a support for the assessment of the chemical quality of marine ecosystems

        Anne Grouhel(16)

        (16) IFREMER, France



        Search for microplastics in harbour sediments from the REPOM network

        Julie Droit(102) and Valérie Yeuc'h(61)

        (102) Centre d’Etudes et d’Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l’Aménagement (CEREMA), France

        (61) LABOCEA - LABOCEA R - France



        Establishing the quality of a sediment before returning it to the environment: the contribution of ecology

        Eric Armynot Du Chatelet(163), Alain Trentesaux(163), Vincent Bouchet(163), Fabio Francescangeli(163), Guillaume Arnouts(163), Denys Hura(163), and Eric Masson(164)

        (163) Laboratoire d'Océanologie et Géosciences (LOG), UMR8187, Univ-Lille/CNRS/ULCO, France

        (164) Territoires, Villes, Environnement Société - EA 4477 - Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Université de Lille : EA4477, France



        Consideration of sedimentary processes in future marine renewable energy parks

        Jehanne Prevot(23), Maëlle Nexer(23), Olivier Blanpain(23), and Thierry Garlan(162)

        (23) France Energies Marines, France

        (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France



        Dynamics of underwater dunes in the context of the construction of an offshore wind farm via in situ data acquisition, morphometric analysis, and their numerical and physical modeling

        Mathilde Bary(23)(165), Nicolas Michelet(23), Maëlle Nexer(23), Sophie Le Bot(165), Alice Lefebvre(166), Thierry Garlan(162), and Olivier Blanpain(23)

        (23) France Energies Marines, France

        (165) Morphodynamique Continentale et Côtière - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR6143, Université de Rouen Normandie, Institut national des sciences de l’Univers, Université de Caen Normandie, Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers, Institut national des sciences de l’Univers, France

        (166) Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Germany

        (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France



        Study of the morpho-sedimentary resilience of a former marine aggregate extraction site

        Alissia Rieux(167), Laure Simplet(167), Danaé Texier(167), and Jérôme Goslin(167)

        (167) Geo-Ocean, Univ Brest, CNRS, Ifremer, UMR6538, France



        Cumulative anthropogenic impacts on the sedimentary bed: first results of the ECUSED (Effets CUmulés sur le SEDiment) project in the eastern part of the Seine Bay

        Valentin Le Goff(168), Anne Murat(168)(169), Yann Mear(168)(169), Gwendoline Grégoire(168)(169), Jean-Philippe Pezy(170), Emmanuel Poizot(168)(169), Clément Frigola(168), Pierre Weill(170), Sandric Lesourd(170), Christoph Mensens(170), Magalie Legrain(170), and Léo Pancrazzi(170)

        (168) Laboratoire des Sciences Appliquées de Cherbourg - Normandie Univ., UNICAEN, EA 4253, France

        (169) Cnam/Intechmer - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France

        (170) Morphodynamique Continentale et Côtière (M2C) - Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, UNIROUEN, UMR CNRS 6143, France

Sea Tech Week

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