2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "What does the IMO e-Navigation S-100 bring to maritime transport?"

      • Maritime transport is facing key challenges: densification of traffic, port congestion, cyber security threats, digital and ecological transitions. Environmental data combined with new technologies are the source of new services that will partly address these challenges.
        The IHO "S-100" standard is the new standard describing the environment for digital navigation, adopted by the International Maritime Organization. It is considered as a digital revolution in the maritime sector, providing answers to both the challenges of modern e-navigation and the sustainable development of maritime activities.
        As part of the S-100 implementation decade (2020-2030), this session is dedicated to innovations brought by digital data and services to navigation and maritime transport. Accessible and interoperable data is supporting informed decisions. Collecting and sharing large amount of data, including real-time data, is also a challenge for hydrographic services, ports and maritime companies. Standardization is vital to ensure integrity and usability of these data. Academic research and industry will keep playing a key role in the development of future intelligent systems, on board of ships and ashore, towards a safer navigation, more efficient and more concerned with the preservation of the marine environment.
        This session is an opportunity to debate around important questions in this fast-moving environment, including:
        ● What innovations does the S-100 data service standard support?
        ● How can we use digital environmental data and technologies to support maritime transport safely co-existing with all other maritime activities?
        ● As a new standard, its adoption at the international level requires a coordinated cooperative effort. How can we contribute to this?
      • 2016MBST292 002 026.jpg
      • Photo credit: Shom



        Shom (France)





        Opening session

        by Nathalie Leidinger(162)

        (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France



        Part 1 : S-100 Implementation decades (2020-2030), towards new data and services


        • S-100 data services in support of innovation
          Ronan Pronost(162)
          (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France


        • S-100 across the Channel
          Thomas Richardson(171) and Christian Mouden(162)
          (171) IC-ENC, United Kingdom
          (162) Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Shom), France


        • Regulatory approach, impact on-board equipment

          Laurent Legoux(202)

          (202) Direction Générale Des Affaires Maritimes, De La Pêche Et De L'Aquaculture (DGAMPA), France


        • Feedback from a first S-100 implementation in an ECDIS
          Yann Corlay(172)
          (172) Geomod, France


        3.20pm-3.50pm Coffee break



        Part 2 : Seafarers approach of future e-navigation systems


        • Involvment of digital systems in officer of the watch tasks
          Yann Vachias(58)
          (58) Ecole Navale, France


        • Navy’s perspectives
          Ludovic Martinez(173)
          (173) Marine Nationale, France


        • S100 : an additional tool for marine pilots
          Lionel Davy(174)
          (174) Station de Pilotage Le Havre Fécamp, France

        Discussions and closing remarks

Sea Tech Week

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