2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "Wind Propulsion: Blending regional initiatives, national developments, and international networks for sustainable shipping"

      • Reemergence of wind propulsion as a major technology development in 21st shipping / workshop for a concrete shared pathway with India. Wind propulsion has a significant air and noise pollution reduction impact, carbon and other associated toxic emissions, noise from cavitation and machinery onboard. There are three key trends developing within the sector:

        > Tweaking: The retrofitting of existing vessels with wind propulsion systems to reduce fuel use up to 30% and to extend the carbon budget available to shipping.
        > Transition: Natural replacement with wind optimised wind-assist & primary wind vessels + operation adjustments to maximise the wind energy component.
        > Transformation: Accelerated replacement of existing vessels with primary wind vessels and the uptake 100% energy autonomous wind vessels and even ‘carbon positive’ vessels that are generating significant alternative fuel available for shore based usage.

        These trends are at different stages of development; however they hold various levels of promise across numerous SDG objectives especially in the smaller vessel segments with the return of fuel costs into local economies, the opportunities to revitalise smaller ports, reduce pressure on fisheries and revitalise local shipping services and employment.

        Blending regional ecosystems, national development and international networks has the potential to fuel wind propulsion takeoff and to help building a really decarbonised shipping. This is the vision we are trying to put into action with the International Windship Association, the French Wind Ship Association, Bretagne Developpement Innovation and the "Région Bretagne". Local communities of industrial groups, start-ups, ports, local government, academics and civil society driven by IWSA, IWSA hub, and BDI are part of a French, European and global network of wind propulsion ecosystems of innovators and enablers.
        This is leading to a reemergence of wind propulsion as a major technology development in 21st shipping that should be shared worlwide: the Sea Tech Week session is a concrete workshop to creating a pathway with India and beyond.

        The session will be organised of plenary sessions, workshops and feebacks to create a Country & Regional Map for Shipping in India fit for a decarbonised shipping world with wind propulsion at the heart of the decarbonisation pathway. Creates impact analysis of changes to shipping at local, regional and international level.
      • Bateau éclaircie.jpeg
      • Organizers

        International Wind Ship Association and Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI) (France)




        Tuesday 27th September - Morning

        • 9.15am
          Lise Detrimont(183) and Carole Bourlon(177)
          (183) Wind Ship Association, France
          (177) Bretagne Developpement Innovation, France


        • 9.30am
          Panel discussion “The example of existing or emerging Wind shipbuilding sector in South India and Brittany (France)”
          Testimonies on the maritime wind power industry sector: regional dynamics that are maintained or emerging

          Moderator: Lise Detrimont(183)
          Carole Bourlon(177), Denis Vidal(184), Sandith Thandasherry(185), Philippe Pallu(186) and Arthur Landormy(187)
        • (183) Wind Ship Association, France
          (177) Bretagne Developpement Innovation, France
          (184) IRD, URMIS-Paris Diderot, France
          (185) Navgathi, India
          (186) Centre de Recherche pour l’Architecture et l’Industrie Nautiques (CRAIN), France
          (187) WindCoop, France

        • 10.30am – Coffee break

        • 11am
          Innovative Wind Assist Propulsion cum Wind energy Harvester System for Ships/Boats
          Sandip Patil(45) (recorded presentation)
          (45) Indian Register of Shipping, India

        • 11.15am
          Smart Shipping: weather routing and WASP simulation
          David Gómez-Ullate(46)(47), Javier Jimenez de la Jara(46), Victor Gallego(47), Daniel Precioso(46)Alberto Torres(47), David Gordo(47), Pablo Eleazar(276), Pablo Angulo(276), and Ayoub El Mkadem(276)
          (46) UCA Datalab, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
          (47) Komorebi AI technologies Sl, Spain
          (276) School of Naval Engineering, Polytechnical University of Madrid


        • 11.30am
          Presentation of a seafarers training project
          Maël Le Garrec(188), Thomas Omnes(189),  and Lise Detrimont(183)
          (188) D-ICE Engineering, France
          (189) ENSM, France
          (183) Wind Ship Association, France

        • 11.45am – Open discussion
        • 12pm – end of the PART 1


        Tuesday 27th September - Afternoon


        • 3pm
          Working group “Call to action part: how to include wind propulsion in my projects? Wind propulsion for retrofitting: opportunities/obstacles”
          Gavin Allwright(190) and Romain Grandsart(191)
          (190) International Wind Ship Association (IWSA)
          (191) AYRO, France

        • 3.35pm
          Working group “Call to action part: how to include wind propulsion in my projects? Wind propulsion implementation for small vessels (even fishing vessels)?
          Gavin Allwright(190), Simon Wattin(192) and Denis Juhel(193)
          (190) International Wind Ship Association (IWSA)
          (192) VPLP design, France
          (193) CT Mer Forte, France

        • 4.10pm
          Working group “Call to action part: how to include wind propulsion in my projects? Wind ship & newbuild pathways; what are the key points for a successful project?”
          Gavin Allwright(190) and Arthur Gayat(194) and Arthur Landormy(274)
          (190) International Wind Ship Association (IWSA)
          (194) TOWT, France
          (274) Zéphyr & Borée, france

        • 4.45pm – coffee break

        • 5.15pm
          Key challenges of decarbonisation, general wind propulsion potential and the solution pathways under consideration

          Gavin Allwright(190), Jose Matheickal(195) (recorded presentation), Stéphanie Lesage(197), Michel Ardohain(202), Daniel Cueff(198), and Eric Baudin(53)

        (195) GloBallast, UK

        (53) Bureau Veritas, France

        (197) Airseas, France

        (183) Wind Ship Association, France

        (198) Brittany Region, France

        (202) Direction Générale Des Affaires Maritimes, De La Pêche Et De L'Aquaculture (DGAMPA), France

        (53) Bureau Veritas Solutions, France


        • 6.15pm – End of the session

Sea Tech Week

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