2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "Corrosion monitoring of concrete infrastructures in marine environment"

      • This session organized by the labSTICC laboratory and the French Corrosion Institute focus on structural health monitoring (SHM) methods and related technologies applied to corrosion and degradation of reinforced concrete infrastructures in marine environment. Experts from all around the world are invited to discuss the latest achievements, from the sensing methods to their deployment in field through smart solutions. This will be an unique opportunity for port and public authorities, companies and academic institutions to imagine innovative solutions. Applications are associated with, but not restricted to, coastal and offshore concrete infrastructures such as port, nuclear plants, bridges, platform, wind turbine, etc.
      • IMG 20220829 123802.jpg
      • Organised by

        Convenors: LabSTICC (France) and French Corrosion Institute (France)



        THURSDAY 29th September 2022, Afternoon



        Global review of steel corrosion in concrete structures

        Xavier Hallopeau(95)

        (95) SECCO Corrosion Consulting, France



        Extending the lifetime of marine structures: interest of durability predictive models

        Jonathan Mai-Nhu(203)

        (203) CERIB, France



        Structural Health Monitoring of a competitive foundation for tidal turbine - Durability of Fibre Bragg Grating sensors

        Natalie Williams Portal(96), Miguel Prieto Rábade(96), and Carolina Franciscangelis(96)

        (96) RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden



        Development of Autonomous UHF-RFID Sensors Embedded in Concrete for the Monitoring of Infrastructures in Marine Environments

        Karim Bouzaffour(89)(12), Benoit Lescop(89), François Gallée(12), Philippe Talbot(89), and Stéphane Rioual(89)

        (89) University of Western Brittany (UBO), Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France

        (12) IMT Atlantique, Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France


        4.45pm - Coffee break



        Real time monitoring of the chloride ingress in concrete and rebar corrosion using electrical resistance, Ag/AgCl and Ultra High Frequency sensors

        Erwan Diler(88), Karim Bouzaffour(89), Johan Becker(88), Victor Grassin(196), Benoit Lescop(89), and Stéphane Rioual(89)

        (88) Institut de la Corrosion, France

        (89) University of Western Brittany (UBO), Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France

        (196) National School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics (ENSCBP-Bordeaux INP), France


        Upgrade of a test side at the isle of Helgoland by real-time corrosion monitoring

        Marita Büteführ(90), and Jürgen Frick(90)

        (90) Materials Testing Institute University of Stuttgart, Germany



        CAHPREEX: RFID technology for bridge monitoring

        Stéphane Rioual(89), Cheikh A.T. Sarr(91), Benoit Lescop(89), Yannick Falaise(91), Sylvain Chataigner(91), Laurent Gaillet(91), Romain Pittet(92), Jean-Luc Dabert(92), Pierre-Alain Lhote(93), and Pierre-Yves Guarini(93)

        (89) University of Western Brittany (UBO), Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, France

        (91) Université Gustave Eiffel, Département MAST, Laboratoire SMC, France

        (92) APRR AREA, Dir. Infrastructure Patrimoine et Environnement, France

        (93) ARTLIA, BU Mobilités & Infrastructures, France



        Open discussion and concluding remarks


Sea Tech Week

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