Discover the content of the session: "Enabling Net-Zero through 5G at Sea"
With the world's push towards Net-Zero, transport is a key sector working to cut greenhouse gas emissions at a rapid pace. Global mobile coverage - on land and at sea - has the potential to aid in such decarbonisation. Telecommunications have obvious benefits of increased collaboration between people and organisations, as well as greater awareness and ability to study the environment. However, implementing 5G infrastructure at sea also brings with it the opportunity to deliver tailored, real time data, specific to maritime industry needs. The collection of data at this scale can not only show evidence of carbon reductions, but can provide insight into how certain areas can be made more efficient.
This session will go into detail on development, challenges and subsequent applications of the emerging technology of 5G at sea, showing how the move to industry 4.0 in off-grid environments can enable substantial decarbonisation of the transport and energy production industries. The utilisation of these sensor packages can extend beyond aiding in more sustainable transport and energy. It has the potential to help in the sustainability of food production in industries such as fishing and aquaculture, measuring anthropogenic impacts on marine environments, and enforcing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) which can aid industries in carbon-offsetting.
Attendees from across all maritime based sectors, including ports and shipping, offshore energy, aquaculture, and safety, are encouraged to join the session to explore this new maritime connectivity solution and how it will support you. Attendees will also be invited to share thoughts, feedback and questions during the session.