2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Discover the content of the session: "Challenges of increasing traffic at the poles: Antarctic/Arctic "

      • Polar navigation is inherently risky, not only because of specific geography and climate, but also because of inadequate mapping. The polar regions (Antarctica and the Arctic) are subject to intensifying maritime traffic. More numerous and bigger ships cruise the area, whether scientific research vessels, state ships, freight ships, fishing vessels or cruise ships. Traffic intensification in polar waters increases the risk of incidents and accidents, endangering passengers and crews as well as threatening the fragile natural environment. This calls for strategic risk management of human safety as well and environmental protection
      • Plongeur sous la glace.jpeg
      • Organised by

        Convenor: UMR Amure/IUEM (France) and Institut Polaire Français (IPEV) (France)



        PART 1

        Thursday 29th September, 8.30-12.20am






        Introduction by Anne Choquet(207)

        (207) IUEM-UBO, France



        French Polar Strategy (recorded video)

        by Olivier Poivre d’Arvor(238)

        (238) French Ambassador for the Poles and Maritime Issues, France



        Youth Declaration for sustainable polar shipping

        Anna Lannuzel(124) and Adrien Potin(124)

        (124) AMURE, France



        Trends in polar navigation (recorded video)

        Fréderic Lasserre(204)

        (204) Laval University, Canada



        Panel discussion: Intensification of activities, new risks?

        Moderator: Emmanuelle Quillérou(207)

        (207) IUEM-UBO, France

        Panelists: Anne Quemere (Sailor, Project leader), Vladislav Sidorenkov-Duprez(239), Pierre-Yves Dupuy(162), and Camille Lique(16)

        (239) Ponant, France

        (162) Shom, France

        (16) Ifremer, Laboratory of Ocean Physics and Satellite Remote Sensing  (LOPS/ IUEM)


        10.35am – Coffee Break



        Arctic new investments? (recorded video)

        Mads Qvist Frederiksen(240)

        (240) Arctic Economic Council, Norway



        Panel Discussion: Polar navigation issues

        Moderator: Viginie Saliou(58)

        (58) Ecole Navale, France

        Panelists: Vice-Admiral Olivier Lebas(241), Jean-Charles Larsonneur(242), Laurent Mayet(243), Yan Ropert-Coudert(244)

        (241) Maritime Prefect, Commander of the Atlantic Maritime District, France

        (242) Member of the French National Assembly, France

        (243) Le Cercle Polaire, France

        (244) French polar institute Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV), France




        Polar navigation observations

        Eric Brossier(245)

        (245) Le Vagabond, France



        End of the part 1


        PART 2

        Thursday 29th September, 3.05-5pm


        Polar Code (recorded video)
        Hervé Baudu(246)
        (246) French National Maritime College, France



        Panel discussion: Safety, environmental protection and other responsible behaviors

        Moderator: Emmanuelle Quillérou(207)

        (207) IUEM-UBO, France

        Panelists: Alban Simon(247), Patrice Godon(248), Nicolas Dubreuil(249) and Christophe Logette(199)
        (247) Former Commander and Commanding Officer of one of the two L’Astrolabe Crews, French Navy
        (248) High latitude logistics and technical consultant, PGPE
        (249) Sedna, France

        (199) Cedre, France


        “Brest, a polar city” Presentation of the mapping of polar actors



        Open discussion: Youth declaration for sustainable polar shipping


        Wrap up and conclusion


        End of the session







Sea Tech Week

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