2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Focus on the session "Écoustique: ecoacoustics, underwater sounds of benthic invertabrates"

      • Keywords: Ecoacoustic, invertebrates, underwater sounds, noise impact

        Session organised by: Institut France-Québec pour la Coopération Scientifique en Appui au secteur Maritime (IFQM)

        In partnership with: LIA Bebest, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution...
      • Fonds marins.jpeg
      • In this “Ecoustics” session, the underwater acoustic landscapes will be considered as a proxy for the structure, functioning and dynamics of marine ecosystems. If events of ecological interest are noisy and/or drive the emission of a sound source, the measurement and analysis of acoustic landscapes makes it possible to obtain a set of valuable environmental knowledge. "Ecoustics" will show that passive acoustics allows to describe the activity rhythms of benthic soniferous invertebrates (like marine mammals) at either individual, population and assemblages levels and to deduce the ecological properties of the objects heard. In addition,“Ecoustics” will be of interest in measuring in the laboratory and in situ the impact of anthropogenic noise on behavior or on the lifecycle of invertebrates.


        Coralie Pauchet, IFQM



        Laurent Chauvaud, CNRS


        • Institut France-Québec Maritime
        • Bebest


Sea Tech Week

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