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Sea Tech Week

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      • Focus on the session "GENOBS: Genomic observatory: a new tool to observe marine biodiversity and ecosystems"

      • Keywords: environmental genomics, biodiversity, long-term monitoring, ecosystem health, technological development

        Session organised by: Station Biologique de Roscoff, Institut France Québec Maritime

        In partnership with: CNRS, Sorbonne Université
      • session GENOBS.JPEG
      • Copyright: un océan de nucléotides. Wilfried Thomas (Station Biologique de Roscoff)

        Long-term observation of the marine environment is absolutely essential to understand the functioning of ecosystems and assess their health. In recent years, the development of genomic tools has profoundly changed the way we monitor biodiversity by promoting a holistic view of ecosystems. Yet, many methodological and conceptual challenges remain (automated sample acquisition, data processing and use in environmental monitoring by national agencies). In this session we aim at gathering various actors (academic, environmental managers, private companies) to exchange on challenges and opportunities associated with the development of concerted marine genomic observatories. It will be organized around a few introductive talks and a round table discussion.


        Eric Thiébaut, Station Biologique de Roscoff



        • Station biologique de Roscoff
        • CNRS
        • Sorbonne Université
        • Institut France-Québec Maritime

Sea Tech Week

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