2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Register to the e-conference and attend the oral presentation of Sebastian Mynott, Applied Genomics Ltd., UK

      • ABS34 AGL logo.jpg
      • Development of a large-volume environmental DNA sampler for comprehensive marine biodiversity monitoring

        The presenter:

        Sebastian Mynott, Applied Genomics Ltd., Brixham, United Kingdom


        Biodiversity, Genomics, Biology, Marine environnement monitoring and management policies (MSFD, MPA,…)


        The utility of environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques for monitoring species diversity are gaining acceptance amongst industry and government decision-makers. This interest is driven by the pressing need to better understand the effects of anthropogenic pressures on ecological communities and the capability of eDNA methods to deliver more biodiversity data at reduced effort and cost.

        However, the marine environment is large, heterogeneous and dynamically variable.  Sample collection presents the greatest risk for any environmental survey and particularly so for eDNA surveys. The importance of good survey design should not be underestimated. Despite its known importance in conventional ecology, few eDNA studies have examined sampling effort, the effect of sample volume and sampling duration on the probability of eDNA capture. Simply put, the greater the sampling effort, the greater is the probability of detection. Validation studies undertaken by Applied Genomics have confirmed that large-volume eDNA samples are required to maximise the probability of detection, reduce inter-sample variability and ensure meaningful results.

        With correct placement of our eDNA sampler in or near marine protected areas and hotspots at risk of non-native species invasions, the data resulting from these samples could serve the remit of multiple stakeholders, thereby providing an unprecedented level of information about the health of our fisheries and the wider coastal ecosystem at relatively low cost, resulting in data-driven insights for deeper due-diligence and more meaningful risk intelligence.


        more information about the session:



Sea Tech Week

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