2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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      • Sea Tech Week - Press release #1

      • Save the date - Sea Tech Week® 2020: A unique format for the 12th edition
      • banniere STW virtual.png
      • The 12th edition of Sea Tech Week® will indeed take place from 12 to 16 October 2020, in what will be a unique format. Within the current health context, this international event, which every two years gathers together over a thousand participants – companies, research centres and laboratories, as well as students… - has reinvented itself in a virtual format embodying the theme “Marine observation: from seabed to space”. A local event involving protagonists from the Campus mondial de la mer community is due to be hosted in Brest in the run-up to the event.

Sea Tech Week

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