2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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Call for workshops

Call for workshops is now closed.

Marine and maritime stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for workshops related to the central theme: Maritime safety and security.

A workshop

The workshops are organized around specific topics related to maritime safety and security. They are led by industry experts, researchers, policy makers etc. in different forms (round tables, workshops, debates). An opportunity for professionals of the blue economy to meet, exchange ideas and discuss the next challenges.

These workshops are intended for a wide audience: professionals of the sector, researchers, students, general public etc.


Submit my workshop until November 24th, 2023


The format

  • Each workshop lasts half a day (a morning or an afternoon, including coffee break)
  • Each workshop must be related to the central theme: Maritime safety and security. This central theme might include subthemes such as Accidental water pollution, Maritime cybersecurity, E-navigation, Migrations, Drones and autonomous vehicles, Environmental preservation / Management of marine protected areas, Ocean and seas' governance, Routes and ships of the future, Training and certification of maritime security professionnals, etc.

Applications close on November 24th, 2023 (extended deadline)


  • Workshops must be submitted on behalf of a legal entity (such as an academic institution, research centre, company, public body, cluster or association).
  • Single workshop may be convened by a maximum of two organisations.
  • Convening a workshop during Sea Tech Week® is free of charge (for selected workshops). Free full passes will be offer for the facilitator and speakers.
    We provide
    • Room hire, signage within the conference centre, technical staff and basic equipment
    •  Registration processing
    • General publicity
    • The opportunity for convenor organisations to buy Sea Tech Week® passes at the discounted partner rate.
  • Any workshop proposals dedicated solely to promoting a product or a service will not be accepted.

The selection criteria:

  • The proposal’s link with the conference theme and topics
  • The innovative nature of the subject (R&D, latest scientific results, new collaboration, etc.
  • The international dimension (NB sessions will be conducted in English)

The Sea Tech Week® Technical Committee will select the sessions in December 2023.

                                      Submit my workshop until November 24th, 2023


Want an example of workshops submitted in 2022?

  • Please find here from page 13 the details of the workshops (called parallel sessions in 2022) selected for the Sea Tech Week® 2022.

Sea Tech Week

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