2_Région Bretagne
3_Brest Métropole
4_Technopôle Brest-Iroise

Sea Tech Week

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Registrations are open!

Discover the list of workshops


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Discover the speakers of the Sea Tech Week® e-conference: Andy Koronios, CEO of SmartSat CRC


Discover the MOQESM workshop in video!

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Discover the EOOS Technology Forum session in video!

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The registration platform is now open!

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Sea Tech Week - Press release #2

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Sea Tech Week - Press release #1

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Human Health and Ocean: new partner event

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Focus on the session "EOOS-OTF: EuroGOOS Ocean Technology Forum"


Focus on the session "MOQESM'2020: Robotics for marine observation"

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Focus on the session "The future of observations from seabed to space: Training to support marine science "


Focus on the session "GENOBS: Genomic observatory: a new tool to observe marine biodiversity and ecosystems"

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Focus on the session "Marine sciences, Industry and Territories: observing pathways and local strategies to develop Blue Economy"

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Focus on the session "Écoustique: ecoacoustics, underwater sounds of benthic invertabrates"

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Focus on the session "SEA-EU: Coastal observation across Europe – the role of images and instrumentation"

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Focus on the session "Wave and wind observations applied to offshore renewable energies"


Call for abstracts open: submit your paper

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Sea Tech Week

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